
Working Together & Getting Sales!


Success is all about simply mastering
the fundamentals...

Part 1: 

Understanding the fundamentals: 


If you have GOOD advertising with a GOOD capture page
THEN you can get people to add their Name & Email,
and join your LIST as a subscriber.

You can have the BIGGEST List in the WORLD,
but if you don't learn how to build relationships
with your subscribers (through your emails
and other forms of communication),
then you might as well throw your
list in the TRASH.

This is like watering your crop.
If you "water" them (email them daily),
they will grow!

Be also like the "sun". 
Show up every day and shine on
the world (your subscribers). 

Mastering the 5th Skill will enable you to 
earn HIGH TICKET SALES with almost the
same effort as it takes to get a

Learn this mantra by practical experience
and by memorizing it (read it often). 

Master these fundamentals
Remember, it WILL take time!

Part 2: 

Effective Communication: 

Effective communication with your email list
can create meaningful relationships with your subscribers
and create connections and future business partners
(who will purchase from you).

Part 3: 

When Am I Going To Get
A Sale Anyway? 

For anyone wanting to know "when will I get a sale?", 
it's ALL based on the formula to advertise correctly
to the target audience with the correct capture page
and get subscribers.

Then you need give a "call to action"
in order to meet and build relationships with your subscribers.
This will bring them to know like and trust you. Sales happens
when they see that you are a person of integrity with 
enough skills to trust you and buy from you.

Does this take time? Yes, it does. But it pays off 
in the long run as you focus on success. 

It takes almost the same effort to create a small ticket sale as it
does a large ticket sale. The only difference is your skill level

Part 4: 

Create a Chain (Team)
That Can't Be Broken!

Be a Team Player!

Wednesday 1pm EST*

For those who can't make either, there is a weekly replay 
inside of the Official Power Lead System Facebook Group. 

*Times differ outside of the United States and in other parts 
of the World.  

Showing up each week can be the DIFFERENCE
between you succeeding and failing. Why?
Knowledge is POWER, and it takes knowledge to succeed. 

What will the FAST START do for me? 
1. It will put you weekly in front of Ace 'n Rich
(6-figure earners) each week.

2. It will encourage you that just like Ace 'n Rich succeeded, 
so can you!

3. It will give you important tips on getting sales
and tips on 

Why show up weekly? 
Because it creates a chain reaction.

If you show up, then your team (or future team) will be
to show up. 

If I'm empowered to start earning, then you can 
be too and then so will your team

Don't have a team yet? 
A good leader learns by following the example
and grows his team starting with him/her self. 

BUT, if I don't show up each week, then you 
have a nice excuse to not show up
also and 
what will happen to your future team?
Yup, they won't show up either :(


If you start duplicating, so will your team and 

Why The Power Lead System(PLS)?

The Power Lead System (PLS) has the highest paying rewards
for team duplication, paying endless levels down through "Perpetual Leverage"*

*See PLS for full comp plan. 

ALSO PLS has some of the BEST training in making sales
Including the weekly Fast Start Training, Ace 'n Rich's 90 Day Challenge
(not accessible in Lead Lightning) and The Home Business Pro level 
(this teaches the most life-changing elements to be successful
at email marketing). 

Step 1: Join PLS as a Gold Member for 14 days for only $1 HERE
Or (PLS's Lead Lightning) at the lowest level ($7 one-time) HERE

*If you can't join for some reason then contact Albie
for "Plan B" at SailingWithAlbie@gmail.com

Step 2: Login to PLS & Register for the PLS Fast Start Training.
Step 3. Join the Fast Start Training from going to 
the "Original Power Lead System' Facebook Group
Monday (12 am EST) and Thursday (6 pm EST)

Monday (12am Eastern, 11am Central, 10am Mountain, 9am Pacific)
Thursday (6 pm EST, Eastern, 5pm Central, 4pm Mountain, 3pm Pacific)

*Times differ outside of the United States and in other parts 
of the World. 

Get Trained!

Join Albie's training Monday and Wednesday
(pick a day) on Zoom at 9:30 pm EST.
(Paid Mentoring Friday at same time). 

Here's the link to join
in each week. Add this link to your browser
and click "enter": 

M, W, F 
(9:30 pm Eastern, 8:30 pm Central, 7:30 pm Mountain, 6:30 pm Pacific)

*Times differ outside of the United States and in other parts 
of the World. 

Stick With It Until You've Learned The Skills!

First of all: 

Pick a membership YOU CAN AFFORD
and stick with it! Learn the fundamental skills and
don't quit until you do.

Eventually you will start to succeed and 
start earning IF you focus on learning the fundamentals
through practical experience.**

Program Memberships and their prices
(that have marketing tools and allow you
to learn the 
5 Critical Skills)

Prosperity Marketing System (PMS)
Cost: $12 month.
Earn: $10 per person, per month*
Team Leverage: Passup earnings on
2nd and 4th level.

Home Business Academy (HBA)
Cost: $25 month.
Earn: $20 per person, per month. 
Team Leverage? None. 

(HBA & PLS are the most 
Duplicatable with YBY)

Power Lead System (PLS)
Cost: $53 a month.
Earn: $20 per person, per month

Team Leverage: 50% earnings from team's
efforts first level down (at Gold level).
This equals $10 per person, per month,
first level down. 

PLS High Ticket Upgrades:
Perpetual Leverage (Earn about
50% unlimited levels down)*

HBA require getting additional tools outside

(HBA & PLS are the most 
duplicatable with YBY)

*See specific program for exact details 
and more information. We do not 
directly represent these companies. 

Ask your sponsor or Albie

for more details:

Don't Be The Weak Link In The Chain.

Work on getting better a little each day!
"What's EASY to do is also easy NOT to do."
Jim Rohn

Don't fall into the "trap" of taking the easiest path.
Fight for your dream and work a little on 
it each day. 

"Lock Arms"

"Lock Arms" and be there for each other. 
If we quit on each other, then we will never have the 
success we all dream about.

Your success is locked up with my success and mine with yours.
Keep this in mind!

Together we succeed, alone we fail

Remember, it's not the program that creates
the success, it's the two following things:

1) The wisdom and skills we master over time....................
2) Our ability to stick together, work together,
help each other and build together. 

Register to get the weekly team text!

"Teamwork creates the dreamwork". 

If you quit on me
, then I'm back to square one.
If I quit on you, then you're back to square one. 
If we help each other, we can get to square two!

Remember Sonny & Cher's motto:
"I've Got You Babe" (lol!).

Yeah, Sonny & Cher may not have made it through the years
but at least they had good intentions. And hopefully you
get the point, that it takes faithfulness to the team
and to each other to succeed in the long run.

Remember when you're thinking of jumping into
the NEXT shiny program, that it's not the 
program that will enable you to succeed!
It's the skills that you master and your 
ability to help each other. 



We will also be here for you to help
you personally 1:1 at every step!


We look forward to working with you! 



Albie Derbyshire
cell: 626-379-5692